Home / Consular Services / NADRA / NADRA Card Fee
Application Type | Fee | Delivery Time |
Normal | £55 | 31 Working Days (6 Weeks) |
Urgent | £68 | 21 Working Days (3 Weeks) |
Executive | £83 | 10 Working Days (1 Week) |
FRC | £10 | Same Day Delivery |
Cancellation due to Death | £6 | 3 to 7 Working Days |
Home Delivery and a £3 Bank Charges are included in the above price and card will be delivered at your “Present Address” mentioned on Application Form.
All POC applicants are advised to apply POC online at http://id.nadra.gov.pk/pakistan-origin-card/ as manual booking of POC has been stopped. NADRA office will not be able to serve the walk-in applicants of POC.